About IEEE:

The American Institute of Electrical Engineers and the Institute of Radio Engineers merged to establish the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE, in 1963. Their core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. To stand on these ideals IEEE encourages technological progress and fosters them through its members to revolutionize and redefine the innovation in their finest way. To make a mark they build a global community to partner, network, grow, and service to reach all the young minds to frame a better future that lasts to be the change.

About RVRJCCE IEEE Student Branch:

A 2021 initiative to move on the intention to idealize young minds to provide opportunities, services, and networks to put forth the organization of events, Conducting seminars, webinars, technical and non-technical events to foster and bring on the latest technologies, join young professionals, transiting their education with professional pursuits with possible humanitarian efforts. Now RVRJCCE IEEE Student branch has branched across and mobilised societies. At present RVRJCCE IEEE Computer Society, RVRJCCE IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, RVRJCCCE IEEE Nanotechnology Society, IEEE Power and Energy Society along with RVRJCCE IEEE WIE Affinity Group work together in organizing regular events on the campus that address the latest technologies. We provide a platform for the student members to demonstrate their abilities and gain practical experience in their respective fields. This collaboration also allows students to network with professionals and experts in the industry, opening up opportunities for internships and career advancement. Adding to their interests, we work on the inflation of our student members with constant industrial tours to congenial places like SHAR (Sriharikota) and ARCI (Hyderabad) and leveling their knowledge and skills with community services like cleanliness drives, STEM programs to educate rural school children, and career guidance workshops. These experiences not only provide valuable insights into the industry but also foster a sense of camaraderie among our student members.

Our SB Executive Team 2023-2024:



Mr.G.Dinesh Kumar Reddy


Mr.M.V.Krishna Vamsi


Ms.Chintalapati Lakshmi Naga Sai Vyshnavi

Vice Chair

Mr.Pujith Pavan Sai



Web Master